Using Bisection Search on Lowest Payments on Credit Card debt and

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-12 01:35:21


My code:

monthlyInterestRate = annualInterestRate/12.0 
low = balance/12 
high = (balance*(1+monthlyInterestRate)**12)/12 
guess = (low+high)/2 
unpaidBalance = balance 
month = 1

while True:
    unpaidBalance= unpaidBalance-guess 
        while month < 13:
            if unpaidBalance <= -0.1:
                low = guess
                month += 1
            elif unpaidBalance >= 0.1:
                high = guess
                month += 1
            guess = (low + high)/2 
print "Lowest Payment: " + str(round(guess, 2))

When I test it it gets stuck at the line "while month < 13:"

Why does it do this and how do I fix it?


If you break at each loop of inner while, you remains less than 13.

And this goes on and on since you proceed While True and do not update your guess.

I fear you are facing infinite looping there.

Your break statement breaks the closest loop, that is the While month < 13 loop. The next line is not read. guessis not updated. The while True is not broken.

Maybe you wanted to say

while month < 13:
   unpaidBalance= unpaidBalance-guess 
   if unpaidBalance <= -0.1:
         low = guess
   elif unpaidBalance >= 0.1:
         high = guess
   month += 1
   guess = (low + high)/2 


here you are

No is the best solution, but it works

monthlyPaymentRate = (balance*annualInterestRate/12)/((1-(1+annualInterestRate/12)**-12))

interest = monthlyPaymentRate * (annualInterestRate/12)

#print (monthlyPaymentRate)
#print (interest)
monthlyPaymentRate = (monthlyPaymentRate - interest) +1
#print (monthlyPaymentRate)
balanceInit = balance

epsilon = 0.01
low = monthlyPaymentRate
while low*12 - balance > epsilon:
    balances = balanceInit
    for i in range(12):
                 minpay =  monthlyPaymentRate
                 unpaybal = balances - minpay
                 interest = (annualInterestRate /12) * unpaybal
                  smontfinal =  unpaybal + interest
                  balances = smontfinal
                 #print('Remaining balance: ' ,round(balances,2) )
                 if balances <0:
                     low = -1
    if balances < 0 :
        low = -1
        monthlyPaymentRate =monthlyPaymentRate + 0.001 

print('Lowest Payment:' ,round(monthlyPaymentRate,2) )

