I find it tedious to manage very large style sheets in Sublime Text 3.
Some of my stylesheets are about 2000 lines of code. I am trying to figure out how to navigate more easily within the stylesheet. I already know about bookmarks and the brilliant search function, but another way would be to hide/fold all code and show comments only. Tis way it would be easier to find the correct place you want to go to.
So is there a way to hide all code below a comment? This would be something as the opposite of Fold Comments
I know Hugo proposed the classic "fold all" solution here. But I would like to hide absolutely all code and display comments only.
For example:
Description 1
Hide/fold all code between here...
Description 2
You can fold everything, which is not a comment by opening the console ctrl+`
and write view.fold(view.find_by_selector("-comment"))
This searches all regions with the selector - comment
, which means everything except comments. Afterwards these regions are folded.
If you want to create a keybinding for it, just create a plugin. Open Tools >>> Developer >>> New Plugin
and paste:
import sublime_plugin
class FoldEverythingExceptCommentsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
regions = self.view.find_by_selector("-comment")
Afterwards add this to your Key Bindings - User
to add a keybinding for the command:
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+f"],
"command": "fold_everything_except_comments"
You can use the arrows
in the far left of the text editor. Sublime has the line number listed down the left and beside those numbers are tiny arrows.