I have field on some table (products), like "data". This field contains, for example, next data:
[{"text" : "Text one"}, {"text" : "Text two"}, {"text" : "Text three"}]
I need to be able find products, where json objects inside each object array on "data" field contain "text" : "Text one" or "text" : "Text two". Generally, I need to do IN query, but inside json "data" field -> array -> object.
Example data:
create table products(id int, data json);
insert into products values
(1, '[{"text" : "Text one"}, {"text" : "Text two"}, {"text" : "Text three"}]'),
(2, '[{"text" : "Text four"}, {"text" : "Text two"}, {"text" : "Text three"}]');
Use json_array_elements()
select distinct id, data::jsonb
from (
select *
from products p,
) s
where value->>'text' in ('Text one', 'Text two')
order by id;
id | data
1 | [{"text": "Text one"}, {"text": "Text two"}, {"text": "Text three"}]
2 | [{"text": "Text four"}, {"text": "Text two"}, {"text": "Text three"}]
(2 rows)
Note: data
must be cast to jsonb
to be used in distinct