Is there an easy way to make the fileupload work with IE11 without updating zk

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-11 11:54:03


In IE11 file upload button of ZK is not working.

I got few replies, It says after updating ZK it will fix the problem.

But we can't update ZK, So in this scenario is there any way to work out this problem any how.


If you can't upgrade ZK then you can try to "downgrade" the IE using "X-UA-Compatible" either as meta-tag or as a response header

here an example using the meta tag:

<?meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" ?>
  <fileupload label="upload" onUpload="alert(event.getMedia().getName())"/>

and what it looks like in the browser (in the IE dev tools F12 you can check if the meta tag had an effect, you'll see that IE falls back to version 10):


Finally I got the Solution. AS IE 11 having problem to attach event for listening to open File chooser. You just manually add the listener.

<button id="browsebtn"  upload="true,maxsize=-1" visible="true" sclass="text">
<attribute w:name="doMouseDown_">
            function (evt) {



Its simple and weird, However what I found is make the parent component as draggable="true"

<row draggable="true">
    <div style="text-align : right;">
        <label value="Image File:" />
    <fileupload id="fileUpload" label="Upload" tooltiptext="Click to upload image file."/>

Now suddenly you will see your fileupload button in ZK started working correctly for IE11 as well.

