Any New TextMate resources?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-11 08:28:41


So, I just installed OSX Lion and have been trying to get TextMate setup on it (first time using TextMate). I've found all these links about installing bundles, but I can't seem to get any of them to be loaded into the program.

For instance, on pretty much all TextMate bundles, after you pull the code from github, this command is always listed:

osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'

Doing this gives me this response:

2011-09-16 17:32:55.276 osascript[19941:707] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find:
    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.

I'd like to find some more recent resources for TextMate so I know how to set it up for coding with Ruby on Rails 3.1 (everyone seems to talk about a screencast for Rails 2, which you have to pay for :P), so obviously most TextMate resources are far out of date. I also tried reloading the bundles within the TextMate GUI (Bundles -> Bundle Editor -> Reload Bundles), but this doesn't seem to help any.

Even just some good, current resources on how to get the most out of TextMate would be great. Thoughts?


Try using Textmate2, which might give you better support with Lion, and check out for some help, and ofcourse the macromates blog too.


Here are a bunch of well written and useful TextMate resources:

  • The TextMate: Power Editing for the Mac book
  • TextMate Setup Tutorial
  • TextMate Basics Tutorial
  • The cheatsheets listed on TextMate's site

and of course:

  • The manual

All of these can be found in less than 5 minutes of googling and aren't out of date at all.

The peep-code screen cast is a Rails 2 screen cast so it is obviously for Rails 2. I suggest you try their Rails 3 screen casts, there's a fair chance they are about Rails 3 and they are really easy to find on their site. And yes it's not free, but neither is TextMate.

About your bundle problem, don't bother using git or svn and that applescript trick (at least in the beginning, and your applescript system seems doomed anyway). There's a bundle called GetBundles that will take care of everything (listing/updating/installing outdated/new bundles) for you. Just download the .zip, expand it, rename the folder from adamsalter-GetBundles.tmbundle-3dc27b0 to GetBundles.tmbundle and double-click on it for TextMate to install it automatically.

Also look around Stack Overflow and Super User: there are probably a lot of answers to your questions.

Out of curiosity, what other editor were you using before?

