
Error 403 when getting data from Airbnb API

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-11 06:00:12
问题 I am trying to pull data from the Airbnb API, but I get a HTTP 403 error when running my code, this means I somehow don't have access to the Airbnb server. However, I do have an API key. Can someone please help me out here? Help is very much appreciated! This is my code: #Import required modules import amadeus import urllib2 import json client_id= "**********" #URL URL = " client_id=***********otqw18e8nh5nty&locale=en-US&currency=USD&_format=for_search

Error 403 when getting data from Airbnb API

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-11 05:57:47
问题 I am trying to pull data from the Airbnb API, but I get a HTTP 403 error when running my code, this means I somehow don't have access to the Airbnb server. However, I do have an API key. Can someone please help me out here? Help is very much appreciated! This is my code: #Import required modules import amadeus import urllib2 import json client_id= "**********" #URL URL = " client_id=***********otqw18e8nh5nty&locale=en-US&currency=USD&_format=for_search

Error 403 when getting data from Airbnb API

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-11 05:57:13
问题 I am trying to pull data from the Airbnb API, but I get a HTTP 403 error when running my code, this means I somehow don't have access to the Airbnb server. However, I do have an API key. Can someone please help me out here? Help is very much appreciated! This is my code: #Import required modules import amadeus import urllib2 import json client_id= "**********" #URL URL = " client_id=***********otqw18e8nh5nty&locale=en-US&currency=USD&_format=for_search

Airflow does not backfill latest run

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-11 06:36:23
问题 For some reason, Airflow doesn't seem to trigger the latest run for a dag with a weekly schedule interval. Current Date: $ date $ Tue Aug 9 17:09:55 UTC 2016 DAG: from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator dag = DAG( dag_id='superdag', start_date=datetime(2016, 7, 18), schedule_interval=timedelta(days=7), default_args={ 'owner': 'Jon Doe', 'depends_on_past': False } ) BashOperator( task_id=

React-native Airbnb-Maps: How do I render a button inside the airbnb maps pop-up box?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-03 02:48:21
问题 I am trying to render a button which I can use to redirect to another page within the description page (the pop-up-box if you select a marker) using AirBnb maps (using MapView.Markers ). I am not sure how to achieve this. Currently my markers look as follow: const markers = [{ longitude: 8.545592, latitude: 47.366465, description: "Bike 1", title: "Bike 1" }, { longitude: 8.545892, latitude: 47.366365, description: "Bike 2", title: "Bike 2" } ]; Whenever I try to input JSX into a text, I get

How to acquire API key for Airbnb

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-21 03:20:18
问题 I know that Airbnb haven't opened their API to the public yet, but searching the internet I found some people are using it. I tried to contact them, and also Airbnb, but without any answers. Does anyone here knows any contact email, page, or phone number that I can refer to? 回答1: I have read here that you can find your API key by looking at the requests that AirBNB uses in their own website. So use the web-developer tools in chrome, or firefox, or firebug in firefox and search trough the

Array forEach() vs reduce() [closed]

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-12 03:27:35
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago . what do you think is the best way to do ? Reduce Way : const result = Object.keys(params).reduce( (previous, key) => { if (this.model.hasOwnProperty(key)) previous[key] = this.model[key](params[key]); return previous; }, {}); ForEach Way: const result = {}; Object.keys(params

How to prevent user from selecting date above end date in react-dates

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-11 03:18:18
问题 I'm wondering how I could prevent a user from selecting dates above today's date. For example, today is 3.7 so let that be the highest end date a user could select. <DateRangePicker startDate={this.state.startDate} startDateId="startDate" endDate={this.state.endDate} endDateId="endDate" onDatesChange={({ startDate, endDate }) => { this.setState({ startDate, endDate }, () => {}); }} focusedInput={this.state.focusedInput} // PropTypes.oneOf([START_DATE, END_DATE]) or null, onFocusChange=

React-native Airbnb-Maps: How do I render a button inside the airbnb maps pop-up box?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-08 07:20:28
I am trying to render a button which I can use to redirect to another page within the description page (the pop-up-box if you select a marker) using AirBnb maps (using MapView.Markers ). I am not sure how to achieve this. Currently my markers look as follow: const markers = [{ longitude: 8.545592, latitude: 47.366465, description: "Bike 1", title: "Bike 1" }, { longitude: 8.545892, latitude: 47.366365, description: "Bike 2", title: "Bike 2" } ]; Whenever I try to input JSX into a text, I get a NSMutableDictionary cannot be converted to NSString error. (When I do this: const markers = [{


一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-06 14:42:32
Amazon,Alibaba,Airbnb --这三家有何共同点?名字都是A开头? 其实,它们和其它类似的如Expedia、Etsy、携程等电商公司一样,都属于电子商务交易平台,其核心业务就是在虚拟空间(平台)里聚集买家(顾客)及卖家(商户),通过提供第三方服务(如支付)撮合交易,形象地理解就是每家都是一个巨大的虚拟交易市场及平台:Amazon是书籍、电器、衣物等商户与潜在顾客之间的交易平台,Etsy是手工艺品制作者(公司或艺人个人)与手工艺品买家之间的交易平台,携程则是航空公司、酒店、景区之类旅游产品提供商与游客之间达成交易的平台。从运营模式及技术架构来看,它们都属于中心化的交易平台(centralized platform)。 许子敬 对于入住商家而言,这些电商交易平台承担了不少传统的经销商功能,如提供反馈用户个人信息(Information)--如热销品统计,金融服务(如支付方式),推广(Promotion,比如Etihad航空公司在携程打广告),甚至直接物流(比如Amazon为批发客户直接发货给顾客)等。 为了促成买卖家之间达成交易,这些平台还可能承担以下功能: 宣传--比如Airbnb利用内容营销,传达清晰的定位:来Airbnb不单单是找一个旅行栖息之地,而是旅途中的家;客户的真实需求与产品的配对(Matching)--比如通过强大的搜索功能抓取显示精准产品;品类混合