Start-Process passing a hashtable in the ArgumentList

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-11 07:09:23


Consider the following situation:

Content MyScript.ps1:

Param (
    [String]$EventLog = 'HCScripts',
    [HashTable]$CitrixFarm = @{'Server1' = '6.5'}


Content of the Caller.ps1:

Param (
    $FilesPath = ".\MyScript.ps1",
    $EvenntLog = 'Test',
    $CountryCode = 'BNL',

$Arguments = @()
$Arguments += "-EventSource ""$AppName"""
$Arguments += "-EventLog ""$EventLog"""
$Arguments += "-FilesPath ""$((Get-Item $FilesPath).FullName)"""
$Arguments += "-CountryCode ""$CountryCode"""
$Arguments += "-KeepassDatabase ""$((Get-Item $KeepasDatabase).FullName)"""
$Arguments += "-KeepassKeyFile ""$((Get-Item $KeepasKeyFile).FullName)"""
$Arguments += "-CitrixFarm $CitrixFarm"

$StartParams = @{
    Credential   = $Credentials
    ArgumentList = "-File ""$ScriptPath"" -verb runas" + $Arguments
    WindowStyle  = 'Hidden'
Start-Process powershell @StartParams

We can't seem to find a way to pass in the [HashTable] for the argument $CitrixFarm. How is it possible to add that argument. or pass it on to the script called by Start-Process with elevated permissions and in a new PowerShell session?

When omitting the parameter $CitrixFarm all is working fine. So the problem really is with passing the HashTable.


You should pass the hashtable in PowerShell object notation, just as you would if running the script from a PowerShell window.

How you construct the string is up to you.

You could

  • use a string template
  • use a quick-and-dirty call "@$((ConvertTo-Json $CitrixFarm -Compress) -replace ':','=')"
  • use a function to convert the hashtable object.

Below is effectively what you are trying to achieve.

$Arguments = @()
$Arguments += "-CitrixFarm @{'Server1' = '6.5'}"

$StartParams = @{
    Credential   = $Credentials
    ArgumentList = "-File ""$ScriptPath"" -verb runas" + $Arguments
    WindowStyle  = 'Hidden'
Start-Process powershell @StartParams

Source: A Better ToString() Method for Hash Tables

