One of the Activities in my app starts/binds to a service (also part of my app). I would like that service to continue running as long as the app as a whole is still in the foreground, regardless of which Activity is active. But I need to make sure that the service is stopped when the app as a whole is paused (home button/back button).
How can I do that on an application level rather than an Activity level?
The easiest way is to have a singleton which keeps a track of the state of each activity, e.g showing just one activity as an example:
public class ActivityStates {
private static ActivityStates ref = null;
private static int firstAct = ACTIVITY_GONE;
public static synchronized ActivityStates getInstance() {
if (ref == null) {
ref = new ActivityStates();
return ref;
public int getFirstAct() {
return firstAct;
public void setFirstAct(int arg) {
this.firstAct = arg;
.. and define some static constants that you can import
public static final int ACTIVITY_GONE = 0;
public static final int ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND = 1;
public static final int ACTIVITY_FOREGROUND = 2;
then in each activity have a method
private void setActivityState(int state){
ActivityStates as = ActivityStates.getInstance();
Then in your onResume(), onPause, onDestroy() you can set the activitiy's state when you enter these methods, e.g in onResume have
in onDestroy() have
Then in you service, or wherever you want , you can use the get methods to find out the state of each activity and decide what to do.