How to map JavaBean columsn with Casssandra table fields?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-11 04:59:21


I am using spark-sql.2.4.1v , datastax-java-cassandra-connector_2.11-2.4.1.jar and java8.

I have cassandra table like

create company(company_id int PRIMARY_KEY, company_name text);

JavaBean as below

@Table(name = "company")
class CompanyRecord(
 Integer companyId;
 String companyName;
//getter and setters
//default & parametarized constructors

I have spark code below save the data into cassandra table.

Dataset<Row> latestUpdatedDs ="company_id", "company_name"); /// select from other source like xls sheet

Encoder<CompanyRecord> comanyEncoder =  Encoders.bean(CompanyRecord.class);         
Dataset<CompanyRecord> inputDs = );

        .option("keyspace",  "ks_one")

Giving error like below

ERROR org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.CodeGenerator - failed to compile: org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException: File '', Line 176, Column 75: A method named "toString" is not declared in any enclosing class nor any supertype, nor through a static import
org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException: File '', Line 176, Column 75: A method named "toString" is not declared in any enclosing class nor any supertype, nor through a static import
    at org.codehaus.janino.UnitCompiler.compileError(

 Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: Columns not found in table 
 companyId, companyName
    at com.datastax.spark.connector.SomeColumns.selectFrom(ColumnSelector.scala:44)
    at com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.TableWriter$.apply(TableWriter.scala:385)

> Question:

Even though I am using annotation for mapping , why I am getting error ? How to fix this without changing the Java Bean field names ( i.e. from companyId to company_id) ?

