In my app I have a MKOverlayPathView where I draw a QuadCurve between two points which works just fine. Here is the code I use:
MKMapPoint mkDepPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate([(RoutePath *)self.overlay startCoordinate]);
MKMapPoint mkArrPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate([(RoutePath *)self.overlay endCoordinate]);
CGPoint dePoint = [self pointForMapPoint:mkDepPoint];
CGPoint arrPoint = [self pointForMapPoint:mkArrPoint];
CGPoint s = depPoint;
CGPoint e = arrPoint;
... some awesome code ...
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:s];
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:e controlPoint:cp1];
[path closePath];
Now I want to get a CGPoint for a specific percentage on that curve. I have been trying out a lot but I'm just not getting anwyhere useful. I have been trying this out but it's not really working:
CGPoint point =
[self quadBezierForPercent:percent StartPoint:s.x ControlPoint:cp1.x EndPoint:e.x],
[self quadBezierForPercent:percent StartPoint:s.y ControlPoint:cp1.y EndPoint:e.y]
Using this:
-(float)quadBezierForPercent:(float)t StartPoint:(float)start ControlPoint:(float)c1 EndPoint:(float)end {
CGFloat t_ = (1.0 - t);
CGFloat tt_ = t_ * t_;
CGFloat tt = t * t;
return start * tt_
+ 2.0 * c1 * t_ * t
+ end * tt;
Some points in the right direction would be really helpful. Thanks a lot in advance!