any free linq provider available for oracle?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 02:08:56


I am looking for a free linq provider for oracle. I dont need advanced features. What all I need is CRUD operations + ability to generate model from oracle db.

I would like to use this on production web site(using ASP.NET & Silverlight).

Any pointers & suggestions will be appreciated.


You should check out a few things:

LinqToOracle at CodePlex

Supposedly there is some .NET 4.0 beta related activity going on. [Update: "Supposedly" looks to actually have meant "Not at all."]

Another similar SO question

Is there a Way to use Linq to Oracle

A bit dated, but a decent place to start.

DevArt's dotConnect for Oracle

They've got a free trial. Was previously known as OraDirect.

Personally, I've kinda given up on this myself, content to wait for support in the Oracle data provider from Oracle.


Oracle's ODP.NET

Oracle's own data provider will support it in 2011, with a beta available near the end of 2010. Better late than never, eh?

