Update: The fonts issue was actaully solved by using rc("pdf", fonttype=42) but unfortunately it is combined with another - whenever is used any type of marker I tried CorelDraw comes with error "File is corrupted".
When I output my charts from Matplotlib into PDF I am not able to open it in Corel Draw. I highly suspect that the major issue might be with texts / fonts.
Simple code example which I need update to make PDF with text and markers import correctly in Corel Draw:
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc("pdf", fonttype=42)
with PdfPages("simple.pdf") as pdf:
points_y = points_x = [1,2,3]
plt.plot(points_x, points_y, marker="o")
Example of Corel vs Matplotlib / PDF Reader when not used rc("pdf", fonttype=42) and marker. If marker used PDF doesn't open and CorelDraw says "File is corrupted".
It turned out there are two important issues which ruins import of Matplotlib generated PDF into CorelDraw.
- Setting up the font type from the default
rc("pdf", fonttype=3)
torc("pdf", fonttype=42)
- Not using multiple markers. Only one marker per plot allowed! Possible to replace by text. (no pyplot.scatter, not in pyplot.plot etc.). When using any markers in number of 2 or more per plot CorelDraw finds the PDF corrupted and wont open it at all.
Code rewritten to plot only one marker per plot plus only one marker in the legend:
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc("pdf", fonttype=42)
with PdfPages("simple.pdf") as pdf:
points_y = points_x = [1,2,3]
plt.plot(points_x, points_y,color="r")
# plot points one be one otherwise "File is corrupted" in CorelDraw
# also plot first point out of loop to make appropriate legend
plt.plot(points_x[0], points_y[0],marker="o",color="r",markerfacecolor="b",label="Legend label")
for i in range(1,len(points_x)):
plt.plot(points_x[i], points_y[i],marker="o",markerfacecolor="b")
plt.legend(numpoints=1) #Only 1 point in legend because in CorelDraw "File is corrupted" if default two or more
As a possible replacement for points (markers) pyplot.text can be used, for my example in question updated code looks like this:
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc("pdf", fonttype=42)
with PdfPages("simple.pdf") as pdf:
points_y = points_x = [1,2,3]
plt.plot(points_x, points_y)
# print points as + symbol
for i in range(len(points_x)):
plt.text(points_x[i], points_y[i],"+",ha="center", va="center")