Can we give a custom voice to AVSpeechSynthesizer

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-10 17:48:41


Hi I am developing an IOS application and I want to convert text to speech. For this I am using IOS AVSpeechSynthesizer SDK.

My question is that can we give it our custom voice other than the defaults voices of IOS. For example can I give the voice of a child speaking a string?

Or there is another SDK for that? And AVSpeechSynthesizer is only for IOS7 or can it work on IOS 6 as well?


You'd need to license a third-party speech synthesizer for that - it's not possible with anything Apple has built into iOS.

Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that includes children's voices is Acapela though I'm not 100% sure if they support them in their iOS library.

