I have a list of point and have to do erosion/dilation operations. I need a kind of 2d-array but can't find how to do in VisualWorks (I know there is a Array2d class in Squeak, but I must use VW).
Use simply a generic way: array of arrays:
(Array new: xSize)
at: 1 put: ((Array new: ySize) at: 1 put: aValue; at: 2 put: aValue; ...);
at: 2 put: ((Array new: ySize) at: 1 put: aValue; at: 2 put: aValue; ...);
Many Smalltalk implementation will have some kind of Matrix class, sometimes optimized, that will have methods such as #rowAt:columnAt: (or for brevity #at:at:).
In GNU Smalltalk this is in package DhbNumericalMethods. Right now it is not optimized though.
If you want to the operations to be efficient, study the VisualWorks Image class, protocol "image processing" and "bit processing". Build your own erosion/dilation operations based on primitives there.
Here is another way to deal with a two dimensional array in Squeak (I'm using version 4.2).
test := Matrix new: 3. "this defines a 3 x 3 array"
test at: 1 at: 1 put: 5.
test at: 1 at: 2 put: 6.
test at: 1 at: 3 put: 7.
etc, etc. AFAIK you can only do 2D arrays this way, and they must be a square matrix. This worked well for a project that my son and I are working on to make a Sudoku game, ymmv. CHEERS!