I'm trying to learn Dynamic Proxies in Java.
I know how they work but I can't find a solution to my problem: given an interface and its implementation with methods a(), b() and c() nested one into the other (let's say a() calls b() which calls c()), I would like to proxy my object to log EACH call to the methods.
So I code my InvocationHandler such as the invoke() method prints a log-line before the execution.
But when I call proxy.a(), only the call of method a() is logged and not the whole chain of methods.
What am I missing? Is the target of the proxy have to be a proxy itself?
Well, the object itself doesn't know that it is being proxied, so when a() calls b(), it will be a normal "intra object" call.
If the target of the proxy is the proxy itself, you will have a loop.
One way to solve this, if it's really needed, would be to introduce a delegate to the target object and set it up with the proxy or with itself as delegate. Strange, but might work. Look out for loops, though.
It is because, while from your test code you are calling proxy.a()
, your final a()
method is not calling proxy.b()
, but straight to the self instance b()
As a workaround, you can overload every method passing it a delegate instance. Suposing a class name of MyClass and a interface name of MyInterface:
void a() {
//to keep the non-proxy working, the default method have to pass the
//self intance
void a(MyInterface target) {
void b() {
void b(MyInterface target) {
void c() {
void c(MyInterface target) {
//do whatever
Then, from your test code you'll be able to call proxy.a(proxy)
, and get the expected result.