I'm getting started with org-mode and there's something I'd like to do that seems like it should be possible, but I'm having trouble figuring out.
Let me describe the scenario: I have some SQL code that I want to execute on a remote server. I currently have a python script that takes SQL code as a string and does this for me. Without org-mode, my work flow would be to start with a file like so:
echo "SELECT name, grade FROM students" >> basic_query.sql
and then I'd run:
$ python run_query.py basic_query.sql
To do this is in the org-mode setting, I could create a code block for the SQL:
#+NAME: basic_query
SELECT name, grade FROM students
And then I'd have a code block for the python calling function:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :export results
import sql_helper
query_status = sql_helper.run_query(<<basic_query>>)
Which I might use to create a table, process further, plot etc. Note the << >>
thing is not right, obviously---it's just an abuse of notation to indicate what I'm trying to do.
If you have set up emacs/org-mode so that python code is enabled ((python . t)
in org-babel-do-load-languages
), you are almost there, I changed your example to
#+NAME: basic_query
SELECT name, grade FROM students
#+BEGIN_SRC python :export results :noweb yes :tangle yes
import sql_helper
query = """
query_status = sql_helper.run_query(query)
My python is a little rusty, but at least if I tangle this to
import sql_helper
query = """
SELECT name, grade FROM students
query_status = sql_helper.run_query(query)
python does no longer complain about the syntax, but about the missing module sql_helper...