I wonder what is the way to gray out portion of a view similar to the way UIAlertView grays out everything except the message box? Right now i use another custom view on top of the target area, but it doesnt look as nice.
Any ideas?
I get good results using the method you have already tried. perhaps fiddling around with the alpha is a good idea?
mask = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:window.frame];
[mask setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.0 alpha:0.78]];
[self.view addSubview:mask];
Then later in your code you can remove it:
[mask removeFromSuperview];
[mask setHidden:YES];
If you want to make it even better, I suppose you could try using a gradient, either programmatically, or as an image, and using this to darken the edges of the screen such that the content you are displaying forefront appears to be the light source.