I'm a beginner of "Qt for Android" and now I'm using it to develop a communication oftware based on mobile.I hava developed java functions that call android's api as a class in a .java document.In order to Simplify UI development,the UI is based on Qt Widget program.Then I use the Qt-JNI class "QAndroidJniObject" to call these java functions according to Qt5.2 API document.Android resource file is stored in the directory:./android/src/com/comm/sipcall/SipCallSend.java.Since the less information in this regard,I developed the java and c++ program according to API document.But I encountered the following problems, and also hope to get answers: 1) The Qt program is based on Qt Widget.The java program needs to get the current application object Context in order to initialize java object.The c++ code I developed as following:
QPlatformNativeInterface *interface = QApplication::platformNativeInterface();
jobject activity = (jobject)interface->nativeResourceForIntegration("QtActivity");
QAndroidJniObject* at = new QAndroidJniObject(activity);
QAndroidJniObject appctx = at->callObjectMethod("getApplicationContext","()Landroid/content/Context;");
QT += core gui gui-private
Is this right?
2) The java class contains a constructor function and three public functions:
package com.comm.sipcall;
improt XXXX
public class SipCallSend extends Activity {
private Context context; // 接收QT的context
public String sipToAddress = "";
public String sipDomain = "";
public String user_name = "";
public String pass_word = "";
public SipCallSend(){
sipToAddress = "";
sipDomain = "";
user_name = "";
pass_word = "";
public void SetContext(Context cnt)
this.context = cnt;
public int Login(String domain,String username,String password){
sipDomain = domain;
user_name = username;
pass_word = password;
return 0;
public int Call(String addrNum) {
return 0;
QPlatformNativeInterface *interface = QApplication::platformNativeInterface();
jobject activity = (jobject)interface->nativeResourceForIntegration("QtActivity");
QAndroidJniObject* at = new QAndroidJniObject(activity);
QAndroidJniObject appctx = at->callObjectMethod("getApplicationContext","()Landroid/content/Context;");
QAndroidJniObject* m_sipcall = new QAndroidJniObject("com/comm/sipcall/SipCallSend");
if (!m_sipcall->isValid())
QAndroidJniObject domain = QAndroidJniObject::fromString("");
QAndroidJniObject username = QAndroidJniObject::fromString("1006");
QAndroidJniObject password = QAndroidJniObject::fromString("1234");
jint res = m_sipcall->callMethod<jint>("Login","(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I",
domain.object<jstring>(), username.object<jstring>(),password.object<jstring>());
if (res!=0)
QAndroidJniObject addrNum = QAndroidJniObject::fromString("1018");
res = m_sipcall->callMethod<jint>("Call","(Ljava/lang/String;)I",addrNum.object<jstring>());
The "new QAndroidJniObject" returns non-empty,but the the following functions connot execute,why?
3) I have tried to make the Context from c++ as a parameter of constructor function,but I found the code not running,why?
public SipCallSend(Context cnt){
this.context = cnt;
QAndroidJniObject m_sipcall("com/comm/sipcall/SipCallSend","(Landroid/content/Context;)V",appctx.object<jobject>());
4) According to Qt5.2 API document,QAndroidJniObject provides a method named "callObjectMethod":
QAndroidJniObject myJavaString; ==> "Hello, Java"
QAndroidJniObject mySubstring = myJavaString.callObjectMethod("substring", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;" 7, 10);
But when I use it as following, the IDE prompts me the parameter are incorrect,why?
jint res = m_sipcall->callMethod<jint>("Login","(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I",
domain.object<jstring>(), username.object<jstring>(),password.object<jstring>());