I am creating a new object in PowerShell, using a hash table to set property values. I want to then export the object into XML format using the ConvertTo-XML method.
$hash = @{
Processor = 'Intel'
Disk = '500GB'
Server = 'ABC'
Serial = '01234'
$specs = New-Object PSObject -Property $hash
Write-Output ($specs | ConvertTo-XML -notypeinformation).Save("C:\scripts\export.xml")
The XML output is as follows:
<Property Name="Serial">a1b2c3</Property>
<Property Name="Server">ABC</Property>
<Property Name="Processor">Intel</Property>
<Property Name="Disk">500GB</Property>
What I want, is for the XML tags to be formatted in the following way:
And then, if there is a good solution for that, is there also a way to make the Object(s) tags custom as well?
Thank you.
I don't think you can get there with ConvertTo-Xml
. However, you can use here strings
to do this. It is kind of low tech but still pretty cool:
$hash = @{
Processor = 'Intel'
Disk = '500GB'
Server = 'ABC'
Serial = '01234'
<Object>$(foreach ($kvpair in $hash.GetEnumerator()) {
"`n <$($kvpair.Key)>$($kvpair.Value)</$($kvpair.Key)>"
"@ > C:\scripts\export.xml
You could use the XML DOM
to create this document but that would be more work and for such a simple document I think the here string
approach works pretty well. It is also good for any sort of text templating.
Here's a one-liner:
$specs |% {'<Objects>'} {$_.psobject.properties |% {' <Object>'} {" <$($_.name)>$($_.value)<\$($_.name)>"} {' <\Object>'} } {'<\Objects>'}
Mjolinor's one liner is very useful for outputting from Powershell custom object tables in the XML format described above. However there is an error in it - the closing "/" xml tag is the wrong way round. This means that the XML code is invalid and give a '"XML Parsing Error: not well-formed"' error. Took me a while to figure out what was wrong, here is the corrected code so others do not have to figure it out again:
$SelectedResults |% {'<Objects>'} {$_.psobject.properties |% {' <Object>'} {" <$($_.name)>$($_.value)</$($_.name)>"} {' </Object>'} } {'</Objects>'}
Where $SelectedResults is the output of the PS Custom object.
You can test XML output and if it is valid here - https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_validator.asp
The selected answer worked for me but I had to change this line
"`n <$($kvpair.Key)>$($kvpair.Value)</$($kvpair.Key)>"
"`n <$($kvpair.Keys)>$($kvpair.Values)</$($kvpair.Keys)>"
Keys and Values instead of Key and Value
Also, if you want the spaces to be visible in notepad, use
(I don't have enough reputation to comment on the answer)