I'd like to import a bunch of large text files to a SQLite db using RSQLite. If my data were comma delimited, I'd do this:
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname = 'my_db.sqlite')
dbWriteTable(conn=db, name='my_table', value='my_file.csv')
But how about with '\t' -delimited data? I know I could read the data into an R data.frame and then create the table from that, but I'd like to go straight into SQLite, since there are lots of large files. When I try the above with my data, I get one single character field.
Is there a sep='\t' sort of option I can use? I tried just adding sep='\t', like this:
dbWriteTable(conn=db, name='my_table', value='my_file.csv', sep='\t')
EDIT: And in fact that works great, but a flaw in the file I was working with was producing an error. Also good to add header=TRUE, if you have headers as I do.
Try the following:
dbWriteTable(conn=db, name='my_table', value='my_file.csv', sep='\t')
Per the following toward the top of page 21 of http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RMySQL/RMySQL.pdf
When dbWriteTable is used to import data from a file, you may optionally specify header=, row.names=, col.names=, sep=, eol=, field.types=, skip=, and quote=.
sep= specifies the field separator, and its default is ','.