I am going through the exact same process as the answered question found here (Connect a Google CloudSQL Postgres database to Data Studio), but I am not as advanced a user as most. I am encountering a similar problem to what was mentioned in the above question, and then some:
- I have created a client certificate and downloaded the client-cert.pem, client-key.pem and the server-ca.pem files to my local machine.
I received the same error when attempting to link Data Studio to our Google Cloud SQL Postgres Database as a data source. " Can't reach the host. Please double check your connection parameters. Learn more about database connectors here. "
I tried running the following command " openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in client-key.pem -out client-key.pkcs8 -nocrypt " to change the format of the client key in our Cloud Shell Project, but I received this error " pkcs8: Cannot open input file client-key.pem, No such file or directory ".
I would assume that I should not be running this command from the Cloud Shell Project terminal then. Would anybody know where I should be running this command instead? I can provide any extra material if needed. Thank you in advance - much appreciated.
It sounds like the file doesn't exist location where you are running the command. Did you upload the client-key.pem into Cloud Shell?