Amazon consistently generates a different hash than PHP or CF, which causes a persistent "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error.
According to the docs, GET requests [without REST headers] are signed as follows:
Signature = URL-Encode( Base64( HMAC-SHA1( SecretAccessKey, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) );
StringToSign = HTTP-VERB + "\n" +
Content-MD5 + "\n" +
Content-Type + "\n" +
Expires + "\n" +
CanonicalizedAmzHeaders +
The example data:
- Content-MD5 and Content-Type: (optional - skipped)
- CanonicalizedAmzHeaders: (no headers - skipped)
- Resource: johnsmith.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/puppy.jpg
- CanonicalizedResource: /johnsmith/photos/puppy.jpg
Two examples are provided:
- Expires 1175139620; Signature: rucSbH0yNEcP9oM2XNlouVI3BH4%3D
- Expires 1141889120; Signature: vjbyPxybdZaNmGa%2ByT272YEAiv4%3D
To recreate this (CFHMAC from here):
// PHP
$expires = 1175139620;
$SecretAccessKey = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY";
$StringToSign = "GET\n\n\n$expires\n/johnsmith/photos/puppy.jpg";
$signature = urlencode( base64_encode( hash_hmac('sha1', utf8_encode($StringToSign), $SecretAccessKey, true)));
// ColdFusion
<cfset LF = chr(10)>
<cfset expires = 1141889120>
<cfset SecretAccessKey = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY">
<cfset StringToSign = "GET#LF##LF##LF##expires##LF#/johnsmith/photos/puppy.jpg">
<cfset signature = URLEncodedFormat( CFHMAC(StringToSign, SecretAccessKey))>
EXCEPT that $signature as returned by both languages is:
- Expires 1175139620; Signature: NpgCjnDzrM%2BWFzoENXmpNDUsSn8%3D
- Expires 1141889120; Signature: fScKGHCDI0NY5E7CYp9Vc8VKMbY%3D
We have been careful of these gotchas that others have mentioned:
- hash_mac has a third argument, raw, which must be set to true.
- The order of the stringToSign and key in the S3 psuedocode should be reversed.
- The entire stringToSign must be on one line (so as not to create extra newline characters).
EDIT: Updated the newlines in the CF code based on Leigh's answer; now the CF matches the PHP.
I am obviously doing something wrong, but can't figure out what.
[I have heard it quipped that Amazon S3 would have been called CSS - "complicated storage service", but the name was already taken!]
Help, please!
(May as well post this since I had already written it up .. :)
Two problems I can see
- The date needs to be formatted a specific way
- You need to use a
rather than a literal "\n"
The result below matches that in Authentication Examples ie bWq2s1WEIj+Ydj0vQ697zp+IXMU=
. Note: I used the hmacSHA1 function from here, but changed it use getBytes("UTF-8)
<cfset newLine = chr(10)>
<cfset secretAccessKey = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY">
<cfset stringToSign = "GET#newLine##newLine##newLine#Tue, 27 Mar 2007 19:36:42 +0000#newLine#/johnsmith/photos/puppy.jpg">
<cfset signature = hmacSHA1(secretAccessKey, stringToSign)>
<cfset finalSignature = URLEncodedFormat(binaryEncode(signature, "base64"))>
<cfoutput>finalSignature = #finalSignature#</cfoutput>
****EDIT 1:**
Something is fishy. Most all of the examples on that page match up. But REST Authentication Example 3: Query String Authentication Example here shows a different key and string that produce the signature vjbyPxybdZaNmGa%2ByT272YEAiv4%3D
. If you use those values in CF you do get the same signature. So I am wondering if it might just be a documentation error?
<cfset secretAccessKey = "OtxrzxIsfpFjA7SwPzILwy8Bw21TLhquhboDYROV">
<cfset stringToSign = "GET#newLine##newLine##newLine#1141889120#newLine#/quotes/nelson">
** EDIT 2:
I am pretty sure the REST examples are wrong. A search turned up this link containing yet another sample key. If you substitute that in the CF code, the signature is what you expected: rucSbH0yNEcP9oM2XNlouVI3BH4%3D
<cfset secretAccessKey = "uV3F3YluFJax1cknvbcGwgjvx4QpvB+leU8dUj2o">
<cfset stringToSign = "GET#newLine##newLine##newLine#1175139620#newLine#/johnsmith/photos/puppy.jpg">
Would this help?
<cffunction name="getRequestSignature" access="private" output="false" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="verb" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="bucket" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="objectKey" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="dateOrExpiration" type="string" required="true" />
<cfargument name="contentType" type="string" default="" />
<cfargument name="contentMd5" type="string" default="" />
<cfargument name="canonicalizedAmzHeaders" type="string" default=""
hint="A newline-delimited list of headers, in lexographical order, duplicates collapsed, and no extraneous whitespace. See Amazon's description of 'CanonicalizedAmzHeaders' for specifics." />
var stringToSign = "";
var algo = "HmacSHA1";
var signingKey = "";
var mac = "";
var signature = "";
stringToSign = uCase(verb) & chr(10)
& contentMd5 & chr(10)
& contentType & chr(10)
& dateOrExpiration & chr(10)
& iif(len(canonicalizedAmzHeaders) GT 0, de(canonicalizedAmzHeaders & chr(10)), de(''))
& "/" & listAppend(bucket, objectKey, "/");
signingKey = createObject("java", "javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec").init(variables.awsSecret.getBytes(), algo);
mac = createObject("java", "javax.crypto.Mac").getInstance(algo);
signature = toBase64(mac.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes()));
return signature;
Completely stole it from here: http://www.barneyb.com/barneyblog/projects/amazon-s3-cfc/