I am trying to generate a texture from an array in threeJS and it is not working as expected.
It appears that the way I generate the texture is not correct.
If I use the following texture, it works as expected. http://www.html5canvastutorials.com/demos/assets/crate.jpg
crateTex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('data/crate.jpg');
If I generate a dummy texture and try to display it, it is all black...
var dummyRGBA = new Uint8Array(4 * 4 * 4);
for(var i=0; i< 4 * 4; i++){
// RGB from 0 to 255
dummyRGBA[4*i] = dummyRGBA[4*i + 1] = dummyRGBA[4*i + 2] = 255*i/(4*4);
dummyRGBA[4*i + 3] = 255;
dummyDataTex = new THREE.DataTexture( dummyRGBA, 4, 4, THREE.RGBAFormat );
dummyDataTex.needsUpdate = true;
dummyTex = new THREE.Texture(dummyDataTex);
I think your mistake is in the fact that you make a texture of a texture.
When you do:
dummyDataTex = new THREE.DataTexture( dummyRGBA, 4, 4, THREE.RGBAFormat );
the object dummyDataTex
that you create here is already of type THREE.Texture
So your next step:
dummyTex = new THREE.Texture(dummyDataTex);
is not necessary. You should instead immediately use dummyDataTex