what i'm trying to do is trigger an ontouch event at a specific region on my activity when i receive a specific string from an arduino(via bluetooth). i trying to build a controller with a wii and an arduino to use in a game i'm writing myself.
before you answer this , i already know that there is a function * openButton.performClick(); for this but in the game i'm not always going to be using buttons so its not good .
i want to simulate a touch like the the adb does it with monkey, but without root permission something like inject touch just no root.
this is part of the code:
int[] loc = new int[2];
openButton.getLocationOnScreen(loc);// get the region where to simulate the //touch event
xTest = (float)loc[0];
yTest = (float)loc[1];
@SuppressLint("Recycle") void testing(){
long downTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + 100;
float x = xTest;
float y = yTest;
int metaState = 0;
MotionEvent motionEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int action = event.getAction();
switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// do something
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
// do something
// how to trigger a ACTION_DOWN event here?
return false;
so wenn i get a specific string i want to simulate a toucht event programmatically at a specific region on the screen, this time its a button , but it could be something else thats why "view.performclick()" is not good. I've seen some examples where before the dispatchTouchEvent they put view, if i do this i get an error thanks you in advance for your help
If you're using an onTouchListener, the onTouch(...) method is public so I guess you could call it.
So when you instantiate the onTouchListener store it as a variable.
OnTouchListener listener = new OnTouchListener() { [[override code etc.]] }
Then just call the onTouch method you've overridden and give it the view and event you want to simulate the touch on.
MotionEvent doesn't have a contractor, but has a factory method called obtain():
MotionEvent myEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(long downTime, long eventTime, int action, float x, float y, int metaState);
Then just pass it to your onTouch:
onTouch(myView, myEvent);
Assuming you've passed the correct values to your event, it won't know the difference.
For more on the MotionEvent and what the parameters mean, go to: