Is MATLAB's bsxfun the best? Python's numpy.einsum?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-08 05:56:27

I believe both of your summations can be removed, but I only removed the easier one for the time being. The summation over the second dimension is trivial, since it only affects the A_k array:

B_k = sum(A_k,2);
for k = 2:L
    i = 2:k;
    x(:,1,k+1) = x(:,1,k+1) + sum(bsxfun(@times,B_k(:,1,2:k),x(:,1,k+1-i)),3);

With this single change the runtime is reduced from ~8 seconds to ~2.5 seconds on my laptop.

The second summation could also be removed, by transforming times+sum into a matrix-vector product. It needs some singleton fiddling to get the dimensions right, but if you define an auxiliary array that is B_k with the second dimension reversed, you can generate the remaining sum as ~x*C_k with this auxiliary array C_k, give or take a few calls to reshape.

So after a closer look I realized that my original assessment was overly optimistic: you have multiplications in both dimensions in your remaining term, so it's not a simple matrix product. Anyway, we can rewrite that term to be the diagonal of a matrix product. This implies that we're computing a bunch of unnecessary matrix elements, but this still seems to be slightly faster than the bsxfun approach, and we can get rid of your pesky singleton dimension too:

L = 10000;
x = rand(4,L+1);
A_k = rand(4,4,L);
B_k = squeeze(sum(A_k,2)).';

for k = 2:L
    ii = 1:k-1;
    x(:,k+1) = x(:,k+1) + diag(x(:,ii)*B_k(k+1-ii,:));

This runs in ~2.2 seconds on my laptop, somewhat faster than the ~2.5 seconds obtained previously.

Since you're using an new version of Matlab you might try broadcasting / implicit expansion instead of bsxfun:

x(:,1,k+1) = x(:,1,k+1)+sum(sum(A_k(:,:,2:k).*x(:,1,k-1:-1:1),3),2);

I also changed the order of summation and removed the i variable for further improvement. On my machine, and with Matlab R2017b, this was about 25% faster for L = 10000.
