I am plotting number of residents against the dorm room numbers (4 digits). The room numbers are supposed to be strings. But when I used as.character(RmNum), the axis still shows as numeric.
meanResidents = c(3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 5)
rmNumber = c(2034, 3043, 4012, 2035, 2022, 3013)
plot(as.character(rmNumber), meanResidents, xlab = as.character(rmNumber))
I would want the dorm numbers showing vertically in the axis. Can someone help me with that?
With the function axis
you can specify the position of the axis, where to put the tick marks (at
) and choose the labels
. The parameter las=2
means labels perpendicular to the axis.
plot(meanResidents, axes=FALSE, xlab="dorms")
axis(1, at=seq_along(meanResidents),labels=as.character(rmNumber), las=2)