In my BB application after installing it on the device showing this Error "Error starting AppName Module 'AppName' attempts to access a secure API"
I am opening internet Browser in my application and not giving any kind of permission so this can be the reason of this error of something else.....
Please Help Thanks
This error indicates that the application has not been fully signed. Note that when you sign up for a set of code signing keys for BlackBerry OS 7.1 and lower you are sent 3 different keys. All 3 must be installed. If you don't install all of them you could partially sign your application and receive the error above.
You can verify the signatures applied to a COD file by opening the COD file using the SignatureTool. It'll show the signatures that have been applied. Look for signatures for RBB, RCR and RRT (note that RRT is only present when required).