In PHP, how to display array contents in a table

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-08 01:16:01


If I do a select in the MySQL client, I will have output that looks like this:

mysql> select * FROM `group` LIMIT 2;
| group_id | group_supergroup_id | group_deletable | group_label |
|        1 |                   4 |               0 | defaut      |
|        8 |                   1 |               1 | dbdfg       |

How can I convert a PDO fetch (or fetchAll) array in a table like that?

Here's a code usage example:

$prep = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM `group` LIMIT 2;');
$arr = $prep->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo renderMySQLTable($arr);


Something close to what mysql client outputs:

$data = array(
        'group_id'            => '1',
        'group_supergroup_id' => '4',
        'group_deletable'     => '0',
        'group_label'         => 'default',
        'group_id'            => '8',
        'group_supergroup_id' => '1',
        'group_deletable'     => '1',
        'group_label'         => 'dbdfg',

if ( empty($data) ) {
    echo "Empty set";
} else {
    // determine widths of titles
    $colWidths = array();
    foreach ( $data[0] as $title => $value ) {
        $colWidths[$title] = strlen($title);
    // determine widths of columns
    foreach ( $data as $row ) {
        foreach ( $row as $title => $value ) {
            if ( is_null($value) ) {
                $value = 'NULL';
            if ( $colWidths[$title] < strlen($value) ) {
                $colWidths[$title] = strlen($value);
    // generate horizontal border
    $horizontalBorder = '+';
    foreach ( $colWidths as $title => $width ) {
        $horizontalBorder .= str_repeat('-', $width + 2) . "+";
    $horizontalBorder .= "\n";
    // print titles
    echo $horizontalBorder;
    echo '|';
    foreach ( $data[0] as $title => $value ) {
        printf(" %-{$colWidths[$title]}s |", $title);
    echo "\n";
    echo $horizontalBorder;
    // print contents
    foreach ( $data as $row ) {
        echo "|";
        foreach ( $row as $title => $value ) {
            if ( is_null($value) ) {
                $value = 'NULL';
            printf(" %-{$colWidths[$title]}s |", $value);
        echo "\n";
    echo $horizontalBorder;


non-pdo aproach though :)

function renderMySQLTable($query) {
  echo `mysql -H -e"$query"`;

for the array it's not that hard. a few loops and you've got you need. start from running print_r($arr) to see it's structure


use Table, and give a bit of style in css.

echo "<table class='datasheet'>";
foreach($arr as $a)
    echo "<tr>";
        foreach($a as $v)
                echo "<td>$v</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

