laravel 5 : Extend a Facade

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-07 05:43:44


I need to handle different types of DB depending on the client.

I created a Facade called MyDBFacade where I can call my own functions.

For example:

MyDBFacade::createDBUser("MyUser"); // will create a DB user whatever I'm using Postgres or SQL Server

Is there a possibility to extends the framework Facade DB:: in a way I could add my own functions and then call DB::createUser("MyUser") ?

Any clue or idea would be appreciate.

Thanks in advance, have a nice day.


Let's say that you define your custom facade in app/Facades/MyDBFacade.php


namespace App\Facades;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class MyDBFacade extends DB
    // ...

You just need to change single line in config/app.php, from

'DB' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::class,


'DB' => App\Facades\MyDBFacade::class,

And it all should work now.


You can create / extend your Facade like this:

<?php namespace YourNameSpace\Facades;

class MyDBFacade extends Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB {

         * Create your custom methods here...
        public static function anyMethod($active)
            /// do what you have to do


And then replace (or add it as a new one) to your app/config/app.php:

'aliases' => array(
  'MyDBFacade'   =>  'YourNameSpace\Facades\MyEventFacade::class',

Remember to execute composer dump-autoload at the end.

Hope this helps!

