Is there a way to force conda to use the system version of python (along with all of the system libraries) in a given env?
I have conda enabled by default in my shell, which can get a bit annoying, because if I try to run a system python app, it gets a different version of python to what it is expecting (python still defaults to 2.7 on *buntu), and often won't run. I would like the root env of conda to just be a redirect to the system python install.
You need to edit all user shell run commands such as your .bashrc file to prepend the bin directory of anaconda to path export PATH=~/anaconda/bin:$PATH
, while in your root run commands append export PATH=$PATH:~/anaconda/bin
. In both cases you will have access to the conda
command. You can check which python will be run by typing $env python --version
. You can also check which other versions would be available and their order of priority (if the other is removed) by using $type -a python
. Of course ensure your executable python files have #!/usr/bin/env python
and not some other direct route to a python executable. For further info Google BASH Shell look up queries like http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/an-example-how-shell-understand-which-program-to-run-part-ii.html.
Simply removing the python
symlink from ~/miniconda3/bin/
appears to do the job.
$ which python
$ rm /home/naught101/miniconda3/bin/python
$ which python
$ source activate science
discarding /home/naught101/miniconda3/bin from PATH
prepending /home/naught101/miniconda3/envs/science/bin to PATH
(science)$ which python
(science)$ source deactivate
discarding /home/naught101/miniconda3/envs/science/bin from PATH
$ which python
So far, this doesn't seem to have caused me any problems. Unfortunately the same doesn't work for ~/miniconda/bin/python3
, because conda requires it when switching to other envs that use the same python version. However, that one hasn't caused as many problems in the first place.
If this does cause problems, it's easy enough to undo, just cd ~/miniconda/bin/; ln -s python3 python
(or what ever version of python you're using in your conda root env). You may need to activate/deactivate an env to get that version of python back on your PATH.