doing t.test for columns for each row in data set

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-06 15:30:25

The t.test is used to compare two data sets. Collecting two data sets each from three different columns of a matrix can be done like this:

data_a = c(x[,2:4])
data_b = c(x[,4:8])

These two data sets can be evaluated using t.test at this point:

t.test(data_a, data_b)

Collecting the data from three columns each for two different compounds for a given row (amino acid) we modify and add a loop:

x <- matrix(rnorm(24, mean=0, sd=1), 4, ncol=6)
           [,1]       [,2]        [,3]      [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
[1,] -0.4810307  0.3996071  0.90663635 0.7487048  0.5787846  2.0231681
[2,] -2.0454921 -0.1225105 -1.04447522 0.9325333 -1.7782776  0.6856150
[3,] -0.3099937  1.2079548 -0.03835271 0.2751349  1.0111554 -0.4862846
[4,] -0.2834953  0.1930481 -0.57968344 0.1204925 -0.5015843  0.3690397

for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
data_a = c(x[i, 1:3])
data_b = c(x[i, 4:6])
print(t.test(data_a, data_b))

With this fake data:

df <- data.frame(compound = c("alanine ", "arginine", "asparagine", "aspartate"))
df <- matrix(rnorm(12*4), ncol = 12)
colnames(df) <- c("AC-1", "AC-2", "AC-3", "AM-1", "AM-2", "AM-3", "SC-1", "SC-2", "SC-3", "SM-1", "SM-2", "SM-3")
df <- data.frame(compound = c("alanine ", "arginine", "asparagine", "aspartate"), df)
    compound        AC.1        AC.2       AC.3       AM.1       AM.2        AM.3       SC.1       SC.2       SC.3         SM.1
1   alanine   1.18362683 -2.03779314 -0.7217692 -1.7569264 -0.8381042  0.06866567  0.2327702 -1.1558879  1.2077454  0.437707310
2   arginine -0.19610110  0.05361113  0.6478384 -0.1768597  0.5905398 -0.67945600 -0.2221109  1.4032349  0.2387620  0.598236199
3 asparagine  0.02540509  0.47880021 -0.1395198  0.8394257  1.9046667  0.31175358 -0.5626059  0.3596091 -1.0963363 -1.004673116
4  aspartate -1.36397906  0.91380826  2.0630076 -0.6817453 -0.2713498 -2.01074098  1.4619707 -0.7257269  0.2851122 -0.007027878
         SM.2        SM.3
1 -0.08419146  0.14275728
2 -1.44965718 -0.64314509
3  0.37673942 -0.07245741
4  0.52794136  1.62305413

You can do the following to extract (for example) the p-values:

rollapply(t(df[, -1]), function(x) t.test(x)$p.value, width = 3, by = 3)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
[1,] 0.6308340 0.5702970 0.5783582 0.6468241
[2,] 0.2511564 0.8327439 0.1617192 0.2005518
[3,] 0.9026407 0.4309623 0.4156030 0.6441069
[4,] 0.3878145 0.4909217 0.6239915 0.2747601
x$stat <- sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) t.test(as.numeric(as.character(unlist(x[i,2:4]))), as.numeric(as.character(unlist(x[i,8:10]))))[c("p.value")])

Another alternative is using a package.

Your data:

df <- rbind(c(27612820, 22338050, 15359640, 19741350, 18726880, 18510800, 10914980, 12071660, 16036180, 16890860, 16066960, 16364300),
        c(7067206, 7172234, 5933320, 136272600, 131596800, 134717600, 6102838, 7186256, 6770344, 140127100, 155341300, 151748000),
        c(3151398, 2141378, 1240904, 11522180, 8907711, 9842342, 1677299, 2265826, 2942991, 11690360, 12552660, 12102620)

df <- data.frame(df)
rownames(df) <- c("alanine", "arginine", "asparagine")
colnames(df) <- c("AC-1", "AC-2", "AC-3", "AM-1", "AM-2", "AM-3", "SC-1", "SC-2", "SC-3", "SM-1", "SM-2", "SM-3")

Then to run a t-test on every row between AC and SC groups:

> row_t_welch(df[,c("AC-1", "AC-2", "AC-3")], df[,c("SC-1", "SC-2", "SC-3")])
           obs.x obs.y obs.tot   mean.x   mean.y mean.diff          var.x         var.y    stderr       df   statistic    pvalue conf.low conf.high alternative mean.null conf.level
alanine        3     3       6 21770170 13007607 8762563.3 37776970798900 7213669482133 3872580.5 2.736945  2.26271945 0.1171389 -4259692  21784819   two.sided         0       0.95
arginine       3     3       6  6724253  6686479   37774.0   471939373529  298723602417  506840.9 3.807645  0.07452832 0.9443398 -1397926   1473474   two.sided         0       0.95
asparagine     3     3       6  2177893  2295372 -117478.7   913496858185  401148784303  661978.3 3.472571 -0.17746605 0.8690016 -2070931   1835973   two.sided         0       0.95