TIFF with JPEG-compression much larger than original JPEG

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-06 13:37:06

JPEG-compression is not supported very well. If a library does include this compression type, the settings (like JPEG-quality) are often fixed and the original image is most likely re-compressed. I found a way, however, to wrap the original JPEG in a simple TIFF container (--> see the update in my original question).

Remember: This might not work with any JPEG file! For instance, FreeImage was not able to read a wrapped progressive JPEG.

This is the C#-Code I used:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using FreeImageAPI;

namespace Tiff
    static class TiffConverter
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Wraps a list of JPEG images into a simple multi-page TIFF container.</para>
        /// <para>(Might not work with all JPEG formats.)</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jpegs">The JPEG-image to convert</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<byte[]> jpegs)
            if (jpegs == null || jpegs.Count == 0 || jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Length == 0) > -1)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Image data must not be null or empty");

            MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
            uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
            ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD

            #region IFH - Image file header

            // magic number
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)

            // offset to (first) IFD

            #endregion IFH

            #region IFD Image file directory

            // write image file directories for each jpeg
            for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
                // get data from jpeg with FreeImage
                FreeImageBitmap jpegImage;
                    jpegImage = new FreeImageBitmap(new MemoryStream(jpegs[i]));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Could not load image data at index " + i, ex);
                if (jpegImage.ImageFormat != FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_JPEG)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Image data at index " + i + " is not in JPEG format");

                // dta to write in tags
                uint width = (uint)jpegImage.Width;
                uint length = (uint)jpegImage.Height;
                uint xres = (uint)jpegImage.HorizontalResolution;
                uint yres = (uint)jpegImage.VerticalResolution;

                // count of entries:

                offset += 6 + 12 * (uint)entryCount; // add lengths of entries, entry-count and next-ifd-offset

                // TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
                // {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
                uint[,] fields = new uint[,] { 
                    {254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
                    {256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
                    {257, 4, 1, length}, // ImageLength
                    {258, 3, 3, offset}, // BitsPerSample
                    {259, 3, 1, 7}, // Compression (new JPEG)
                    {262, 3, 1, 6}, //PhotometricInterpretation (YCbCr)
                    {273, 4, 1, offset + 22}, // StripOffsets (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution & XResolution)
                    {277, 3, 1, 3}, // SamplesPerPixel
                    {278, 4, 1, length}, // RowsPerStrip
                    {279, 4, 1, (uint)jpegs[i].LongLength}, // StripByteCounts
                    {282, 5, 1, offset + 6}, // XResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample)
                    {283, 5, 1, offset + 14}, // YResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution)
                    {284, 3, 1, 1}, // PlanarConfiguration (chunky)
                    {296, 3, 1, 2} // ResolutionUnit

                // write fields
                for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
                    writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
                    writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
                    writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
                    writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);

                // offset of next IFD
                if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
                    offset = 0;
                    offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length

                #region values of fields

                // BitsPerSample

                // XResolution

                // YResolution

                #endregion values of fields

                // actual image data
            #endregion IFD

            return tiffData.ToArray();