My goal is to make a wide map using only one square image. Using actionscript 3 the solution is to simply make new Bitmap from the Loader:
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("xyz.png"));
var duplicationBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(Bitmap(loader.content).bitmapData);
Unluckily, Haxe API doesn't allow to do that. I can't get bitmapData from loader content…
Anyone has a clue? Thanks.
The API is the very same, so I guess the problem is how you are trying to cast; try using:
var duplicationBitmap= new Bitmap(cast(loader.content, Bitmap).bitmapData);
What you mean the API doesn't allow it? By looking at these:
http://haxe.org/api/flash9/display/loader http://haxe.org/api/flash9/display/bitmap
It seems you should be able to port that code?
Are you getting any compiler error?
That's really weird, Bitmap is coming from the playerglobal.swc and shouldn't be related to any Haxe specific "API". Aren't you just attempting to access loader.content whilst the content is not yet loaded (i.e. the example above).