Distance Calculation in Angular

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-06 10:38:20

just make a function to calculate price.

Well, before, you must defined better the "fares", in the fares must be equal the to and the next from, that's

vehicleOne: any = [{ from: "0", to: "5", farePerKm: "10" }, 
                   { from: "5", to: "20", farePerKm: "20" }, //<--"from" is equal to "to" above
                   { from: "20", to: "50", farePerKm: "5" }] //<--"from" is equal to "to" above

else, what is the price of make "6Km" with vehicle "V1"?

The function is easy:

  getPrice(vehicleID: string, distance: number) {
    //get the fare
    let fare: any[];
    switch (vehicleID) {
      case "V1":
        fare = this.vehicleOne;
      case "V2":
        fare = this.vehicleTwo;
    let price: number = 0;
    let distanceCal = distance;
    fare.forEach(x => {
      let incprice=0;
      if (distanceCal > 0) {
        if (distance > +x.to)
          incprice += ((+x.to) - (+x.from)) * (+x.farePerKm);
          incprice += (distance-(+x.from)) * (+x.farePerKm);

        distanceCal -= (+x.to) - (+x.from)
    if (distanceCal>0) //If the distance if greater than the last fare
      price+=distanceCal * (+fare[fare.length-1].farePerKm) //use the last farePerKm

    return price;

Well, using a switch to select the fare is some strange. You can improve the code if your fares goes as

vehicles: any = [
   { id: "V1", vehicleName: "Vehicle One", fares: [{ from: "0", to: "5", farePerKm: "10" }, { from: "5", to: "20", farePerKm: "20" }] },
   { id: "V2", vehicleName: "Vehicle Two", fares: [{ from: "0", to: "10", farePerKm: "15" }, { from: "10", to: "20", farePerKm: "12" }] }

And then you can change the function as

getPrice(vehicleID: string, distance: number) {
    //get the fare
    let fare= this.vehicles.find(x=>x.id==vehicleID).fares;
    ....rest of the code...

NOTE: as in your fares, from,to and farePerKm are strings, you must convert to number using "+" NOTE2: you must check the function. e.g. you can in a ngOnInit -only for check- write some like

for (let distance=0;distance<30;distance++)

Here you go. I only put in the code I had to add or adjust in order to solve your problem. Please note that this is not a full solution but a hint to get you in the right direction.

In your AppModule add the FormsModule in order to be able to use the ngModule-directive.

import { ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

imports:      [ BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule ],

In your TS-file add the following variables:

protected totalFare: string;
protected chosenVehicle: any;
protected selectedDistance: any;

Also extend your vehicles-list

vehicles: any = [
{ id: "V1", vehicleName: "Vehicle One", fares: [{ from: "0", to: "5", farePerKm: "10" }, { from: "6", to: "20", farePerKm: "20" }] },
{ id: "V2", vehicleName: "Vehicle Two", fares: [{ from: "0", to: "10", farePerKm: "15" }, { from: "11", to: "20", farePerKm: "12" }] }


And add the following method

protected onDistanceSelection(): void {
    const vehicle = this.vehicles.filter(el => el.id === this.chosenVehicle)[0];
    this.totalFare = vehicle.fares[0].farePerKm;

In your HTML-File do the following adjustments:

<select (change)="selectedValues($event)" [(ngModel)]="chosenVehicle">
  <option value="undefined" disabled selected> Choose a vehicle </option>
  <option *ngFor="let vehicle of vehicles" [value]="vehicle.id"> {{  vehicle.vehicleName  }} </option>

 <select (change)="onDistanceSelection()" [(ngModel)]="selectedDistance">
     <option value="undefined"  disabled selected> Total distance of travel</option>
     <option value="10"> 10 KM </option>
     <option value="20"> 20 KM </option>
     <option value="30"> 30 KM </option>
     <option value="40"> 20 KM </option>

<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="totalFare" placeholder="Total fare">

Please note that you wrote "undefined" wrong in most of your code. I corrected it here. Otherwise ther dropdowns will show no "Select..." text at start.

What you can see using this code is, that by chosing a vehicle and clicking the distance, the farePerKm of the current vehicle is shown in the total fare textfield.

Give this it should be possible for you to start computing on your own inside onDistanceSelection(). You also have access on selectedDistance here.

Have fun! ;)
