How can I install the BlackBerry v5.0.0 component pack into Eclipse?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-06 09:44:33

They (rim support) did experience some issue with the zip they have on the site for you to install.
See this thread

If you see Unconnected sockets not implemented just before your Invalid zip file format, like:

    Exception connecting to
    Unconnected sockets not implemented Exception connecting to
    Unconnected sockets not implemented
  Error closing the output stream for
  on repository file:/C:/eclipse/.  Error unzipping
  Invalid zip file format Error closing the output stream for

, the support mentions:

The "Unconnected sockets not implemented" is caused by a bug in current versions of JDK 1.6.
You can work around this by downgrading to JDK 1.5 (modify your PATH and JAVA_HOME variables) to install the plug-ins. You may need to delete the files in your windows temp folder as well (Eclipse could have cached bad copies of the file).
This should be fixed in JDK 1.6 update 14.

(so what version of java are you using?)

As mentioned in the same thread:

The following is from the "blackberry plugin for eclipse" download page:

It is recommended that users outside of North American or users who have experienced problems with the BlackBerry update site use the links below to manually download and install the components.

Yep, I've read that bit. That's essentially what I tried to do. What that doesn't say is you need to remove the update site from your site list before trying to install the manual downloads via the archive function.

Using Eclipse 3.5.1 and the 1.1 component pack, I had no trouble installing the 5.0 JDE from the 1.1 component pack update site from within Eclipse - ie: using the update site ... It could be possible that Blackberry has fixed whatever problem you encountered in their latest beta, or the latest version of Eclipse just works better...but at any rate, I hope you've gotten your setup working, but if not, perhaps trying again with the latest versions will fix things!
