Grails - Parameter in a Quartz job Trigger

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-06 03:21:14

Make your job implement StatefulJob, then you'll have access to JobExecutionContext which has a Trigger instance accessor. If you have your own Trigger class, that will be an instance of it.

Thank you very much, it did the trick. This is how I ended up using it:

import org.quartz.StatefulJob
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext

class UserPeriodicalNotificationJob implements StatefulJob{   

    static triggers = {
        cron name:'dailyTrigger', cronExpression: ConfigHolder.config.userDailyNotificationJob
        cron name:'weeklyTrigger', cronExpression: ConfigHolder.config.userWeeklyNotificationJob
        cron name:'monthlyTrigger', cronExpression: ConfigHolder.config.userMonthlyNotificationJob   

    void execute(JobExecutionContext context){
        def triggerName = context.trigger.key
        try {
            switch (triggerName) {...}
        catch(Exception) {...}