How do I index codistributed arrays in a spmd block

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-06 00:12:29

Regarding question#1, the Composite variable in the client basically refers to a non-distributed variant array stored on the workers. You can access the array from each worker by {}-indexing using its corresponding labindex (e.g: spectrum{1}, spectrum{2}, ..).

For your code that would be: finalSpectrum = sum(cat(2,spectrum{:}), 2);

Now I tried this problem myself using random data. Below are three implementations to compare (see here to understand the difference between distributed and nondistributed arrays). First we start with the common data:

len = 100;    % spectrum length
K = 10;       % number of peaks
X = 1:len;

% random position and shape parameters
a = rand(1,K); b = rand(1,K); c = rand(1,K);

% random peak ranges (lower/upper thresholds)
ranges = sort(randi([1 len], [2 K]));

% dummy peakfn() function
fcn = @(x,a,b,c) x+a+b+c;

% prepare a pool of MATLAB workers
matlabpool open

1) Serial for-loop:

spectrum = zeros(size(X));
for i=1:size(ranges,2)
    r = ranges(:,i);
    idx = (r(1) <= X & X <= r(2));
    spectrum(idx) = spectrum(idx) + fcn(X(idx), a(i), b(i), c(i));
s1 = spectrum;

clear spectrum i r idx

2) SPMD with Composite array

    spectrum = zeros(1,len);
    ind = labindex:numlabs:K;
    for i=1:numel(ind)
        r = ranges(:,ind(i));
        idx = (r(1) <= X & X <= r(2));
        spectrum(idx) = spectrum(idx) + ...
            feval(fcn, X(idx), a(ind(i)), b(ind(i)), c(ind(i)));
s2 = sum(vertcat(spectrum{:}));

clear spectrum i r idx ind

3) SPMD with co-distributed array

    spectrum = zeros(numlabs, len, codistributor('1d',1));
    ind = labindex:numlabs:K;
    for i=1:numel(ind)
        r = ranges(:,ind(i));
        idx = (r(1) <= X & X <= r(2));
        spectrum(labindex,idx) = spectrum(labindex,idx) + ...
            feval(fcn, X(idx), a(ind(i)), b(ind(i)), c(ind(i)));
s3 = sum(gather(spectrum));

clear spectrum i r idx ind

All three results should be equal (to within an acceptably small margin of error)

>> max([max(s1-s2), max(s1-s3), max(s2-s3)])
ans =