FlashDevelop and Flash 11 Incubator

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-06 00:11:58

Sorry for stupid question, solution was pretty easy.

  1. Download Flash 11 Incubator
  2. Download FlexSDK 4.5 and extract it somewhere
  3. Download flashplayer_inc_playerglobal_022711
  4. Make folder "10.1" inside {FlexSDK}/frameworks/libs/player
  5. copy flashplayer_inc_playerglobal_022711.swc into new "10.1" folder and rename file to playerglobal.swc
  6. Point FlashDevelop to FlexSDK 4.5
  7. Set Project Target to 10.1
  8. Add this "-swf-version=13" to Additional Compiler Option in project settings window

There is no official standalone Flash player 11 but you can use Unofficial one
