Final subtraction in montgomery modular multiplication for an RSA cryptosystem

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-05 21:00:48

Not sure what's wrong with your non-working implementation (if I understood well, what you show is a working one). In order to use the Walter optimization to compute M^e mod n, if your numbers all fit in 2048 bits, you need:

let NUM_BITS = 2050            // 2048 + 2
n < 2^(NUM_BITS - 2)           // precondition
M < 2 * n                      // precondition
let R = 2^(2 * NUM_BITS) mod n // pre-computed once for all
let M' = montMult(M, R, n)     // bring M in Montgomery form
let C' = montExp(M', e, n)     // Montgomery exponentiation
let C = montMult(C', 1, n)     // bring C' in normal form

Most important: do not forget to check the preconditions.

The Montgomery multiplications comprise NUM_BITS (2050 in your case) iterations (if-A-bit-set-add-B, if-odd-add-n, div-by-two), least significant bit first, and all numbers are represented on NUM_BITS (2050 in your case) bits.

The Montgomery exponentiation also comprises NUM_BITS (2050 in your case) iterations (square, if-e-bit-set-mult), most significant bit first, and all numbers are represented on NUM_BITS (2050 in your case) bits. Hope it helps.
