I was wondering how can I make this happen.
I need to take all the images from the external link site and display them in other site. Is is posible to do without jQuery? With a simple javascript or flash?
Anyone can suggest somekind of tutorial's or something?
If javascript, then it has to be very simple code, because I want to make it work in eBay listing's.
Example: In the listing there will be sold a holder for XXX cell phone, and I want to put on the bottom a filmstrip or something similar for the exact same item(from the same category). I want to give it a funcionality so I would need to change only the link to the category and the pictures would be changed automatically. POSIBLE?
Please If I didn't make myself clear, ask and I will explain in more detail's.
NOTE: The askers has stated this answer does not work INSIDE Ebay listings.
Other than that, it works so well, it'll irritate some 'web-developers' (LOL). I'm leaving it here for now.
I had a sneaky suspicion you did not own/control the external link site, thus to 'take all the images from the external link site and display them in other site' (as asked), would fall under cross-domain security restrictions.
So to in order to regain 'power to the user', just use http://query.yahooapis.com/.
jQuery would not be strictly needed.
Using the SQL-like command:
select * from html
where url="http://stackoverflow.com"
and xpath='//div/h3/a'
The following link will scrape SO for the newest questions (bypassing cross-domain security bull$#!7):
As you can see this will return a JSON array (one can also choose xml) and calling the callback-function: cbfunc
In your case you would fish for image-links and include them in your page.
Example 2:
As asked in the comments below, this example in pure JavaScript does not only fetch image-url's from a Ebay-store, it also fetches the product-title's and product url's (displaying them as hyperlinked images with product-title as the image's title). As such it also shows how one could dynamically build the yql-string and what one could do with the data that returns.
function cbfunc(json){
var data=json.query.results.div;
var i=0, l=data.length, htm='';
htm+='<a href="'+data[i].a.href+'">' +
'<img title="'+data[i].a.img.title+'"' +
' src="'+data[i].a.img.src+'">' +
} else {
alert('Error: nothing found'); return false;
function fetchEbayStore(url){
var yql="select a.href, a.img.src, a.img.title" +
" from html" +
" where url='" + url + "'" +
" and xpath='//td/div[@class=\"image\"]'";
yql="http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" +
encodeURIComponent(yql) +
"&format=json" +
getJSON(yql); //you need to provide getJSON or use a library
See this 'quick 'n dirty' jsfiddle to see the above example in action. Remember this is just meant for explanation, not production!
For more info: Read the yahoo's yql-documentation, see the live examples on the right side in the constructor.