How to import Excel file into DataWindow

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you can import xls like this (this is our import function). Of course you have to know where to put each columns value from the excel to the datawindow. I think you do not need such a sophisticated solution, but there are the main guidelines:

int     li_rtn, li_i
string  ls_range
long    ll_excel_rows, ll_max_rows, ll_max_columns
long    ll_i, ll_j
string  lsa_column_names[], ls_mod
long    lla_column_pos[]
long    ll_row
int     li_rc
string  las_truncated_data[]
string ls_errorMessage

oleobject lole_excel, lole_workbook, lole_worksheet

    lole_excel = create oleobject
    li_rtn = lole_excel.ConnectToNewObject("excel.application")
    if li_rtn <> 0 then
            ls_errorMessage = "Error running MS Excel api"
            li_rtn = -1
        li_rtn = 1

        lole_workbook = lole_excel.application.workbooks(1)

        int li_sheetnum
        IF IsNumber(as_sheet) THEN
            li_sheetnum = Integer(as_sheet)
            li_sheetnum = uof_pub_excel_get_sheet_byname(as_sheet, lole_workbook)
        END IF
        lole_worksheet = lole_workbook.worksheets(li_sheetnum)

        ll_max_rows     = lole_worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
        ll_max_columns  = lole_worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

        string lsa_tmp[]
        lsa_column_names = f_split(f_trim(as_imported_columns,";"), ";")
        FOR ll_i = 1 TO UpperBound(lsa_column_names)
            IF (pos(lsa_column_names[ll_i], ":")>0) THEN
                lsa_tmp = f_split(lsa_column_names[ll_i], ":")
                lla_column_pos[UpperBound(lla_column_pos)+1] = long(lsa_tmp[2])
                lsa_column_names[ll_i] = lsa_tmp[1]
            END IF

        string  ls_cellValue, ls_coltype, ls_value
        int         li_idx_col, li_statrRow
        boolean lb_copyData = false
        int         li_col_offset, li_vlen

        li_statrRow = ai_start_row

        IF (UpperBound(lla_column_pos)=0) THEN
            IF (UpperBound(lsa_column_names)<ll_max_columns) THEN ll_max_columns = UpperBound(lsa_column_names)
            FOR ll_j = li_statrRow TO ll_max_rows
                li_col_offset = 0
                ll_row = adw_dest.insertRow(0) // insert new row
                FOR ll_i = 1 TO (ll_max_columns)
                    ls_cellValue = String(lole_worksheet.cells(ll_j,ll_i).value)
                    IF (lsa_column_names[(ll_i)] = "") THEN 
                    END IF
//                  li_rc = adw_dest.SetItem(ll_row, lsa_column_names[(ll_i)], lole_worksheet.cells(ll_j, (ll_i)).value)

                    ls_value = String(lole_worksheet.cells(ll_j, ll_i).value)
                    ls_coltype = adw_dest.describe(lsa_column_names[(ll_i)]+'.ColType')

                    // Checking length of string data
                    IF (pos(ls_coltype, "char")>0) THEN
                        li_vlen = integer(replace(left(ls_coltype, len(ls_coltype)-1), 1, 5, ""))
                        IF (li_vlen > 0 AND len(ls_value)>li_vlen) THEN
                            li_rtn = -2
                            ls_value = left(ls_value, li_vlen)
                            IF (f_array_indexof(las_truncated_data, lsa_column_names[ll_i])<1) THEN
                                las_truncated_data[UpperBound(las_truncated_data)+1] = lsa_column_names[ll_i]
                            END IF
                        END IF
                    END IF

                    li_rc = guo_common_utilities.uof_pub_set_dw_value(adw_dest, ll_row,  lsa_column_names[(ll_i)], ls_value,  ls_coltype)


            FOR ll_j = li_statrRow TO ll_max_rows
                ll_row = adw_dest.insertRow(0) // insert new row
                FOR ll_i = 1 TO UpperBound(lla_column_pos)
                    ls_cellValue = String(lole_worksheet.cells(ll_j,lla_column_pos[ll_i]).value)
                    adw_dest.SetItem(ll_row, lsa_column_names[ll_i], ls_cellValue)
        END IF
    end if

CATCH ( runtimeerror  lo_rte)
    li_rtn = -1
    ls_errorMessage = "MS Excel api runtime error"
    // Quit
    IF (IsValid(lole_excel)) THEN 
    END IF

    destroy lole_Excel
    destroy lole_workbook
    destroy lole_worksheet 

uo_nv_response luo_return 
luo_return = create uo_nv_response 

luo_return.ii_errorCode = li_rtn
IF (UpperBound(las_truncated_data)>0) THEN
    luo_return.is_errorMessage = "Zeichenkette von "
    FOR li_i = 1 TO UpperBound(las_truncated_data)
        luo_return.is_errorMessage += las_truncated_data[li_i] + ", "
    luo_return.is_errorMessage = Left(luo_return.is_errorMessage, Len(luo_return.is_errorMessage)-2)
    luo_return.is_errorMessage += " wurde abgeschnitten"
    luo_return.is_errorMessage = ls_errorMessage

return luo_return

Here are some missing functions:

global type f_array_indexof from function_object end type forward prototypes global function integer f_array_indexof (any aa_array[], any aa_element) end prototypes global function integer f_array_indexof (any aa_array[], any aa_element);int li_count FOR li_count = 1 TO UpperBound(aa_array) IF (lower(aa_array[li_count]) = lower(aa_element)) THEN return li_count END IF NEXT return -1 end function


global type f_split from function_object end type

forward prototypes global function boolean f_split (string as_str) global function any f_split (string as_str, string as_delimiter) end prototypes

global function any f_split (string as_str, string as_delimiter);long ll_pos1, ll_pos2, i String lsa_split[]

ll_pos1 = Pos(as_str, as_delimiter) ll_pos2 = 0 i = 1

if (ll_pos1 = 0 and Len(as_str)>0) then lsa_split[1] = as_str

do while ll_pos1 > 0 lsa_split[i] = '' if( i = 1 )then lsa_split[i] = mid (as_str, 1, ll_pos1 - 1) ll_pos2 = ll_pos1 else ll_pos2 = Pos (as_str, as_delimiter, ll_pos1 + 1) if( ll_pos2 = 0 )then // it's the end :) lsa_split[i] = mid (as_str, ll_pos1 + 1, Len(as_str) - ll_pos1 ) else lsa_split[i] = mid (as_str, ll_pos1 + 1, ll_pos2 - ll_pos1 - 1) end if end if ll_pos1 = ll_pos2
i = i + 1 loop //lsa_split[i] = Right( as_str, Len(as_str) - ll_pos1 )

return lsa_split end function


global type f_trim from function_object end type

forward prototypes global function string f_trim (string as_string, character ac_remove) end prototypes

global function string f_trim (string as_string, character ac_remove);if (Isnull(as_string) or Isnull(ac_remove)) then return as_string

do while (left(as_string, 1) = ac_remove) as_string = right(as_string, Len(as_string)-1) loop

do while (right(as_string, 1) = ac_remove) as_string = left(as_string, Len(as_string)-1) loop

return as_string end function

public function integer uof_pub_excel_get_sheet_byname (string as_sheetname, oleobject aole_workbook);int li_sheets_count, li_i

li_sheets_count = aole_workbook.worksheets.count FOR li_i = 1 TO li_sheets_count IF (aole_workbook.worksheets(li_i).name = as_sheetname) THEN return li_i NEXT

return 0 end function


If the spreadsheet is defined correctly (header row contains the column name, rows 2-n contain the data), then you can define an ODBC connection to it, and treat it just like a database.

You paint the datawindow directly against the spreadsheet - no coding at all!! (Other than setting SQLCA and calling dw.Retrieve(), of course)

I would open the workbook with OLE, save it as format 8 (DBase3) with a dbf extension, then import it in the DataWindow.

Save it to a text file using OLE and then import it. Below piece of code does this

li_return = GetFileOpenName('Select a spreadsheet to upload - XLS or XLSX formats only', ls_path, ls_file, 'xl*', "All Excel Files (*.xl*),*.xl*", "%userprofile%\desktop")

//Save the file as Text using OLE and then import
MyExcelFile = Create OLEObject
If MyExcelFile.ConnectToObject(ls_path) < 0 then
    MessageBox('Import Error', 'Unable to load spreadsheet. Please check if the file is open')
End If
ls_txt_path = Mid(ls_path, 1, Pos(ls_path, '.xl') - 1) + '.txt'
MyExcelFile.Application.WorkBooks(1).SaveAs(ls_txt_path, 21);
MyExcelFile.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Destroy MyExcelFile;

Now import the file with the name ls_txt_path into the datawindow
