How do I find out how much space a color bar takes up using Matlab R2014b? I need to know the total size including all labels, but if I do
c = colorbar;
I get the error message
Error using
There is no TightInset property on the ColorBar class.
The same holds for OuterPosition. Apparently, these properties are no longer supported for the ColorBar class in R2014b.
original = get(c, 'Position')
set(c, 'Position', [original(1) original(2)*0.5, original(3), original(4)*0.5])
The handle c contains a 'Position' property, same as many graphics handles. Look up the documentation to understand it more fully. To verify that this translates the position of colorbar title and labels too, execute the following:
set(get(c, 'YLabel'), 'String', {'a', 'b', 'c'}) % Arbitrary Labels
set(get(c, 'Title'), 'String', {'Colorbar Title'}); % Arbitrary Title
set(c, 'Position', [original]) % Resize back to original and observe!