Voice navigation possible in google map api?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 10:21:58

If you're using Google Directions API for receiving directions, you receive them in JSON format which includes the route points, the route length, the expected duration of the trip and the instructions. You can get them and then use text-to-speech to make sound out of the particular instruction when it's time for it.

According to the Google Maps Terms

No navigation. You will not use the Service or Content for or in connection with (a) real-time navigation or route guidance; or (b) automatic or autonomous vehicle control.

The recommended way is to redirect the user to the Android app or Web App of Google Maps using Intents.

If you really want to do it, you may choose other Maps services such as HERE maps. They do provide the Turn by turn navigation support inside your app. I have never used it though.
