Hi I need an stl container which can be indexed like a vector but does not move old elements in the memory like a vector would do with resize or reserve (Unless I call reserve once at the beginning with a capacity enough for all elements, which is not good for me). (Note I do address binding to the elements so I expect the address of these elements to never change). So I've found this deque. Do you think it is good for this purpose? Important: I need only pushback but I need to grow the container on demand in small chunks.
"never invalidates pointers or references to the rest of the elements" when adding or removing elements at its back or front, so yes, when you only push_back
the elements stay in place.
A careful reading of the documentation seems to indicate that so long as you insert at the beginning or the end it will not invalidate pointers, and invalidating pointers is a sign that the data is being copied or moved.
The way it's constructed is not quite like a linked list, where each element is allocated individually, but as a set of linked arrays presumably for performance reasons. Altering the order of elements in the middle will necessitate moving data around.