Python 3.6 ZeroMQ (PyZMQ) asyncio pub sub Hello World

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-04 19:22:25

De-coupling for an OOP separation of concerns is fine, yet
let's also spend some care on debugging the code:

1) ZeroMQ PUB/SUB Scalable Formal Communication Archetype is known for years to require some time before PUB/SUB-s get indeed ready so as to broadcast / accept messages. Thus one ought prefer to setup the infrastructure best inside the .__init__() and not right before SUB-s are supposed to already receive some payload(s)

In my view, this would be a safer design approach:

class HelloWorldMessage:
    """                                                       __doc__

    USAGE:     with HelloWorldMessage() as aContextManagerFUSEd_class_INSTANCE:
                    # may              use aContextManagerFUSEd_class_INSTANCE
                    # and shall safely
                    #     gracefully terminate locally spawned ZeroMQ resources

    def __init__( self, url  = '',
                        port = '5555'

        self._url = "tcp://{}:{}".format( url, port )
        #---------------------------------------------------- CONTEXT:
        self._ctx = Context.instance();                       print( "INF: zmq.asyncio.Context() set" if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[1]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        #---------------------------------------------------- SUB:
        self._sub = self._ctx.socket(zmq.SUB );               print( "INF: zmq.SUB set"               if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[2]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        self._sub.bind(                  self._url );         print( "INF: zmq.SUB.bind() done"       if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[3]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        self._sub.setsockopt(        zmq.LINGER, 1 );         print( "INF: zmq.SUB LINGER set"        if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[4]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        self._sub.setsockopt(        zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'world');print( "INF: zmq.SUB subscribed"        if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[5]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        #---------------------------------------------------- PUB:
        self._pub = self._ctx.socket(zmq.PUB );               print( "INF: zmq.PUB set"               if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[6]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        self._pub.setsockopt(        zmq.LINGER, 1 );         print( "INF: zmq.PUB LINGER set"        if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[7]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
        self._pub.connect(               self._url );         print( "INF: zmq.PUB.connect() done"    if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[8]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
    def __enter__( self ):
        #---------------------------------------------------- with <class> as <symbol>: CONTEXT MANAGER __enter__()-auto-METHOD
        return self

    def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ):
        #---------------------------------------------------- with <class> as <symbol>: CONTEXT MANAGER __exit__()-auto-METHOD
        self.try_to_close( self._pub );
        self.try_to_close( self._sub );
        pass;         self._ctx.term()

    # A       PUB-SENDER ------------------------------------
    async def pub_hello_world( self ):

          self._pObj = PubHelloWorld();                       print( "INF: pObj set on PUB-side"      if ( self._pObj.msg_pub()  # instance-fuse(d)
                                                                                                         ==   "Hello World"    ) else "ERR[9]: {0:}".format( "Hello World" ) )
               while True:                                    # keep sending messages
                   self._sMsg = self._pObj.msg_pub();         print( "INF: pObj.msg_pub() called"     if ( self._sMsg  != None ) else "ERR[A]: {0:}".format( "msg == ?"    ) )
                   pass;                                      print( self._sMsg )
                   # publish message to topic 'world'
                   # async always needs `send_multipart()`
                   await self._pub.send_multipart( [ b'world',
                                                       bytes( self._sMsg )
                                                  );          print( "INF: await .send_multipart()"   if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[B]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
                   # slow down message publication
                   await asyncio.sleep( 1 );                  print( "NOP: await .sleep( 1 )"         if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[C]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
              pass;                                           print( "EXC: thrown on PUB side"        if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[D]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )

              self._pub.close();                              print( "FIN: PUB.close()-d"             if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[E]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )

    # A       SUB-RECEIVER ---------------------------------
    async def sub_hello_world( self ):

          self._sObj = SubHelloWorld();                       print( "INF: sObj set on SUB-side"      if (  None                 # instance-fuse(d)
                                                                                                         == self._sObj.msg_receive("?")
                                                                                                            )                    else "ERR[F]: {0:}".format( "?"            ) )
               while True:                                   # keep listening to all published message on topic 'world'
                     pass;                                    print( "INF: await .recv_multipart() about to be called now:" )
                     self._rMsg = await self._sub.recv_multipart()
                     pass;                                    print( "INF: await .recv_multipart()"   if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[G]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )
                     pass;                                    print( 'ACK: received: ', self._rMsg )
                     self._sObj.msg_receive( self._rMsg );    print( 'ACK: .msg_receive()-printed.' )
              pass;                                           print( "EXC: thrown on SUB side"        if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[H]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )

              self._sub.close();                              print( "FIN: SUB.close()-d"             if ( zmq.ZMQError() == 0 ) else "ERR[I]: {0:}".format( zmq.ZMQError() ) )

    # ---------close()---------------------------------------
    def try_to_close( self, aSocketINSTANCE ):




2) Best used using a with HelloworldMessage() as ... : context-manager


There were 2 errors with my code:

  1. As mentioned by @user3666197, the PUB/SUB communication archetype needs some time for initialization (see his/her answer). I had to move await asyncio.sleep(1) above the code of publishing (await pub.send_multipart([b'world', msg.encode('ascii')]))
  2. I encoded the message wrong. bytes(msg) --> msg.encode('ascii')

This answer is most closely related to my question, but please look at @user3666197 for certain design choices when implementing PyZMQ.


It seems that PyZMQ in an asyncio.get_event_loop() doesn't give an error traceback, therefore, wrap your code in a try & except block, e.g.:

import traceback
import logging

    while True:
        msg_received = await sub.recv_multipart()
        # do other stuff

except Exception as e:
    print("Error with sub world")