Consider the following:
function OutputArray{
$l = @(,(10,20))
(OutputArray) -is [collections.ienumerable]
# C:\ PS> True
# C:\ PS> 2
is "unrolled" when it enters the pipeline. This answer states that powershell unrolls all collections. A hashtable is a collection. However, a hashtable is of course unaffected by the pipeline:
function OutputHashtable{
$h = @{nested=@{prop1=10;prop2=20}}
(OutputHashtable) -is [collections.ienumerable]
# C:\ PS> True
# C:\ PS> 1
This comment suggests that it is all IEnumerable that are converted to object arrays. However, both array and hashtable are ienumerable:
@(,(10,20)) -is [collections.ienumerable]
@{nested=@{prop1=10;prop2=20}} -is [collections.ienumerable]
What, exactly, are the conditions where powershell "unrolls" objects into the pipeline?
Empirical Test Results
I'd rather have an analytical basis for these results, but I need an answer so I can move on. So, here are the results of my stab at an empirical test to discover which collections are unrolled by powershell's pipeline, and which aren't:
True in a column indicates there's probably some unrolling occurring.
StartingType ChangedInCmdlet^ ChangedWhenEmitted**
------------ --------------- ------------------
System.Collections.ArrayList True True
System.Collections.BitArray True True
System.Collections.Queue True True
System.Collections.Stack True True
System.Collections.Generic.List True True
These are results for a line of powershell that looks like this:
$result = $starting | Cmdlet
^ The ChangedInCmdlet
column indicates that the type of $starting
is different when it appears inside Cmdlet
** The ChangedWhenEmitted
column indicates that the type of $result
is different when it is assigned to $result from when it was emitted inside Cmdlet
There's probably some nuance in there for some types. That nuance can be analyzed by looking at the details of the output of the test script below. The whole test script is below.
Test Script
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Collections') | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Collections.Generic') | Out-Null
Function BackThroughPipeline{
Function EmitTypeName{
$objects = (New-Object string 'TenTwentyThirty'),
(New-Object System.Collections.BitArray 16),
(& {
$d = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,int32]"
('ten',10),('twenty',20),('thirty',30) | % {$d.Add($_[0],$_[1])}
(& {
$l = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List``1[int32]"
10,20,30 | % {$l.Add($_)}
$objects |
% {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
StartingType = $_.GetType().FullName
StartingCount = $_.Count
StartingItems = $_
InCmdletType = $_ | EmitTypeName
InCmdletCount = ($_ | EmitTypeName).Count
AfterCmdletType = (BackThroughPipeline $_).GetType().FullName
AfterCmdletItems = (BackThroughPipeline $_)
AfterCmdletCount = (BackThroughPipeline $_).Count
ChangedInCmdlet = if ($_.GetType().FullName -ne ($_ | EmitTypeName) ) {$true};
ChangedWhenEmitted = if (($_ | EmitTypeName) -ne (BackThroughPipeline $_).GetType().Fullname ) {$true}
This testing eventually led me to create a cmdlet that conditionally wraps collections in sacrificial arrays to (hopefully) reliably prevent loop unrolling. That cmdlet is called Out-Collection
and is in this github repository.