Refreshing a ClientDataSet nested in a DataSetField

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-04 18:03:42

Despite a lot of careful observation and debugging, I still don't have a satisfying explanation of exactly why my CDS refreshing code behaves differently if called in the master CDS's AfterScroll event, where the detail CDS always gets updated correctly, and in a ButtonClick handler where the detail CDS only gets updated every second click. I imagine that it's something to do with the fact that the master CDS's cursor has already moved by the time the AfterScroll handler is called, unlike the situation where I click the button.

However, I have found a simple work-around and a fix.

The work-around is simply not to call DisableControls on the 4 datasets before doing the refresh. Then the detail CDS always gets refreshed correctly. Any other permutation of disabling some or all the datasets results in the difference my q is about. I don't like this work-around though, because the cdsMaster DBGrid has to scroll all the way through the data, just ti refresh one master row + its details.

The fix is to do something that on reflection I should have done in the first place, namely to force a refresh of the detail ADO query (with my data, simply calling its Refresh, which was my first attempt at a fix, provokes the familiar Ado error "Insuffient key column information for updating ..." despite the detail table having a PK on the server).

So, here's the fix:

procedure TForm1.qMasterRowRefresh(MasterPK : Integer);
    qMaster.Filter := MasterPKName + ' = ' + IntToStr(MasterPK);
    qMaster.Filtered := True;


    //  Do NOT omit the next 3 lines, needed to ensure that the detail query
    //  and hence the detail CDS, is refreshed

    qDetail.Parameters.ParamByName(MasterPKName).Value := MasterPK;


    qMaster.Filtered := False;
    qMaster.Locate(MasterPKName, MasterPK, []);

As I got into this by looking into an earlier unanswered SO question, I'll be transplanting an updated version of the code to an answer to that one.
