Correct use of addChild

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-04 14:05:04

As the top-level container for all display objects in the display list hierarchy, there is only one Stage no matter how many SWF files are loaded into the runtime. So, generally, objects should not be added to the Stage, directly, at all. The only object the Stage should contain is the root object.

Generally, you should not use: stage.addChild()

Adding a DisplayObject to the display list should be performed within the scope of a DisplayObjectContainer.

Each SWF file has an associated ActionScript class, known as the main class of the SWF file which extends a display object. From this class or any child within the hierarchy you may call addChild().

The following are equal, and would add a child within the scope of the current display object container.


The this keyword explicity defines scope; however, is generally implicit when left off.

While a display object added via addChild() is added to the front (top) of all other children, to add a child to a specific index position, use the addChildAt() method.

