An error occurred while sending the request in TFS2015 update2 vNext build configuration

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-04 13:55:08

I finally found the solution to the issue:

Root cause: TFS vNext agents use .Net framework 4.5... which by default does not support TLS 1.1/ TLS 1.2.

Solution: We need to modify .Net framework registry entry to direct .Net framework to use TLS 1.2. Use the command to update the registry:

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319 /v SchUseStrongCrypto /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /reg:64 (and/or /reg:32)

Referred here:

If next time you have encountered some issues during the build agent configuration. For trouble shooting you could check related configuration logs. To see what was going on, you just go to the folder where the agent was installed. In that folder, a _diag folder exists with logging.

The “ServerUrl” setting of agent listed the default URL for TFS. Which default is HTTP on port 8080. According to your update, if you have changed your configuration to run on HTTPS. So, your TFS was not at 8080, but some others such as 443. And you or other co-workers configured the build agent before changed to HTTPS.

If so, you may need to update the “settings.json” file in the build agent folder and replace the old URL with the new one. After changing this file, restart the build agent service, then go back to the Agent Pools, refresh the page.
