Develop parental app in iOS

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-04 10:04:00

Please review the following answer on StackOverflow:

It covers how OurPact uses MDM to deploy a profile to a child's phone, the MDM server is a nice example server implementation overview.

An alternative option is to use an Apple Parental gate, my sense would be to recommend you take a look at the following example, not as restrictive but useful:

this is a drop-in piece of code that can be used to create a parent gate.

[[PMParentalGateQuestion sharedGate] presentGateWithText:nil timeout:10 finishedBlock:^(BOOL allowPass, GateResult result) {
    if (allowPass) {
        [Flurry logEvent:@"unlockAllPressed" withParameters:@{@"moduleId": self.quiz.purchaseID}];
        [MBProgressHUD showHUDAddedTo:self.view animated:YES];
        [[InAppPurchaseHelper sharedInstance] buyProductWithId:@"fullpro"];

I hope the above helps.
